Archangel Jophiel

Archangel Jophiel is widely known as the most beautiful of Archangels, Jophiel is among the few of the female Archangels. She oozes highly refined, uplifting, magnetic, gentle and inspiring energy while making you see and appreciate the beauty in people and things.

A powerful connection to Archangel Jophiel will boost your aura and make it alluring to people, other energies and angels. If you need to increase your spiritual intensity and manifestation potential, Archangel Jophiel is the way to go.

Get to Know Archangel Jophiel

According to the pseudepigraphal Revelation of Moses, Jophiel is also known as Dina. The name Jophiel loosely translates to beauty of God. It therefore, explains why she has the ability to make us see the extensive earthly beauties we otherwise ignore.

Archangel Jophiel is described as an angel of the seventh heaven, a Cabalistic guardian of the Torah and wisdom itself and is believed to have taught 70 languages to souls at the dawn of creation. Since he was among the seven major archangels, Jophiel was placed in the Garden of Eden and is briefly spoken about in the Old Testament, as the one tasked with keeping an eye on the Tree of Life found at the center of the garden.

She lives in the atrium of wisdom and is the leader of the other angels whose duty is to spread the wisdom of God on earth.

She helped Adam and Eve in using their free will and they had a complete life with her backing.

You can invoke her presence when you want to get through a topsy-turvy situation or when you are in dire need of wisdom for a major life decision because she carries the Sword of Wisdom and is often depicted in iconography holding a flaming sword that will help you see the actuality of different situations also used in making dreams and visions come to life.

When we allow negative thoughts to clog our mind, we usually forget to appreciate the value of our struggles. Your negatives emotions can freeze you thereby making you feel like a statue as a result. You can even lose clarity in some instances whether they are artistic endeavors or any stressful life events.

Connecting with archangel Jophiel also help you clearly see your emotions, thoughts, and circumstances using the yellow light as seen in her flaming sword of wisdom. The light acts as a source of illumination. Turning to Jophiel’s energy will help bring serenity to your mind and also inspire different creative ways thus balancing the good and the bad in our lives.

Archangel Jophiel usually reveals the world’s minor delightful details surrounding us and in so doing, it helps us appreciate our existence. It additionally makes us feel happy and this works positively in boosting our energy levels.

Archangel Jophiel’s Connection to the Moon and Yellow Fuzzy Navel Aura

Archangel Jophiel’s halo ambience color is yellow navel and is the reason the angel shares a potent bond with the sun and an even stronger one with the moon because it’s where the sun’s energy typically bounces back. A typical connection with archangel Jophiel is so powerful especially when the moon is full as it helps boost your spirituality to new heights and also serve as a chance to relinquish things that bring us sad feelings and drain our energy.

Archangel Jophiel Invocation

Full moon typically has some stimulated energy that tends to shift a lot of things in our lives. During the full moon, you can safely invoke the presence and even connect with archangel Jophiel by following the steps below:

Step One:

Ensure you dress up in white as it’s a sign of purity

Step Two:

Walk outside on full moon’s evening. You may as well do this indoors but ensure that you can see the full moon from where you are.

Step Three:

Light a yellow candle within the margins of your ritual space.

Step Four:

Relax, calm your mind and clean your conscience then say the following Archangel Jophiel prayer;

“I call upon archangel Jophiel’s yellow light. I will always keep an open mind and be led by your light within. When I invoke the presence of Archangel Jophiel, I will visualize the yellow light moving down my body from my head’s top. The vibrating light envelopes me in a comfortable and secure field of energy. I know, see, feel, and hear manifestation and creativity energies surrounding and dwelling within me all the days of my life.”

Step Five:

Stretch out your hands and let the energy of the full moon flow within you. By stretching your hands, the energy gets poured on you and this starts from your head trickling down to the feet. Slowly move your hands right over the aura so that you can feel the flowing energy.

Step Six:

While the energy is flowing within you, repeat these words in a loud voice at least three times;

“I release all the blocks preventing my manifestation at a higher potential”

Step Seven:

Start walking round the candle in a circular motion – Jophiel will be with you during this time. While walking in the moonlight, have the inner intention to break loose anything blocking your energy using Jophiel’s aura which acts as a catalytic agent in the entire healing process. Continue walking up until the aura inside stops you.

Once you are done, give thanks, drink a glass of water, have a short rest before you embark on your daily activities.

To raise your spiritual levels steadily and strengthen the connection you have with archangel Jophiel, ensure you do this on every full moon.

You must have noticed that connecting with Archangel Jophiel is not a complicated or difficult process compared to other archangels especially during full moon because some of them require distinct personality signs. Today’s invitation is to through prayers and try and connect with different archangels through prayers and meditation.

To assist you in connecting with Archangel Jophiel and the moon, we recommend you listen to healing frequencies while meditating which will get you to a theta state that allows you to easily connect with higher realms.

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